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Newest Blog:

Facing the Winter Blues: How to Manage the Seasonal Slump

As the days get shorter and the chill of winter settles in, many of us start to feel a The excitement and business of the holidays are behind us, the new year resolutions are going stale and suddenly, we’re left facing long, dark evenings, cold morning. All...

Blogs on Anxiety:

What to Do When You Have A Panic Attack When You’re At Work

The most embarrassing moment at work is when you find yourself suddenly sweating, feeling like all eyes are on you, you can’t speak, you’re feeling like your brain is in a fog.  You notice your heart pounding, and there are thoughts running through your mind like, ...

How to Help Your Loved One When They Are Feeling Anxious

Anxiety can come on fast, as if out of the blue.  You might be having a great time with your loved one, with things seeming fine, and all of a sudden your loved one’s heart is pounding, they’re sweating and looking like they are going to run and hide. When someone is...

The Phone Call That Changed Everything

I remember getting the phone call from the school that day. It was from the school psychologist explaining to me that my daughter had a panic attack in the school cafeteria and could I come get her. So many thoughts ran through my mind as I drove to the school. “Panic...

Blogs on Depression:

Facing the Winter Blues: How to Manage the Seasonal Slump

As the days get shorter and the chill of winter settles in, many of us start to feel a The excitement and business of the holidays are behind us, the new year resolutions are going stale and suddenly, we’re left facing long, dark evenings, cold morning. All...

Decluttering: Is it for you?

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed with the piles of clothes at the back of your closet, the stacks of paper on your desk, the plastic containers spilling out of your cupboards?     Many say clutter links with anxious moments - I sure know that it puts my teeth on...

Stressing and Eating: How to Eat for Health

What do you do when your stress eating over the holidays carries on into January, February… and you find yourself wanting more of the chocolate and sugary treats to get you through gray, cold winter days? The New Year resolutions to turn to healthy eating may be a...

Uncovering Toxic Positivity

Isn’t being positive the best way to be? There’s so much wrong in this world that “looking on the bright side” takes you away from all that, doesn’t it?   After all, no one likes a downer, focusing on doom and gloom all the time.  No one likes people who launch into...

How To Tell If You Have Workplace Burnout & What To Do About It

Feeling satisfied and like you are making a difference at work can mean everything… until it doesn’t.   Burnout is becoming an epidemic and it’s time to protect yourself from its exhaustion. Facing deep mental and physical exhaustion, losing interest in work and in...

Self Criticism: A Help or A Hindrance?

The way that you talk to yourself can either help you or hinder you in reaching your goals in life. If you frequently call yourself unflattering names, tell yourself that you will do something wrong, it is not only harmful to your growth, it also causes you...

Blogs on Couples Relationships:

The How Tos of Fighting Fair 

Every couple argues at points in their relationship.  It’s a given. Disagreeing on how to do things… saying angry words in the heat of the moment… feeling frustrated over something your partner did or said…  it happens to the best of us.   Even the strongest of...

Is It Bad If Your Partner Rarely Gets You Gifts?

Here you are, scrolling Instagram, and you see yet another post of your friends getting gifts from their intimate partners. Giving gifts means they love you, right? Isn’t giving gifts the way it’s supposed to be? For sure the social scene is quick to give you the idea...

Practicing Gratitude is a Game Changer

Research shows that practicing gratitude intentionally can improve your mental health and strengthen your relationships.  Studies indicate that gratitude can lower blood pressure, improve immune function, reduce cardiac inflammation, increase happiness, improve...

How to Argue to Show Respect Not Just to Win

Arguing with your intimate partner is inevitable.   All couples have conflict at one time or another.  No relationship is perfect, even if you wish that was so.  Life brings up conflicts and hard times that will challenge you in moments when you may not act like your...

Blogs on Grief:

The Invisibility of Grief: Shedding Light on an Unseen Struggle

Grief is a deeply personal and profound emotion, yet it often goes unnoticed or misunderstood by those who haven't experienced it firsthand. Unlike physical pain or visible wounds, grief is an invisible struggle that can be challenging to recognize and acknowledge in...

What To Say & Not To Say To Someone Who’s Grieving

It’s tough to watch someone going through grief after losing a loved one to death.  Seeing someone in emotional pain is not easy, and you may find yourself wanting to do something to ease or take away people’s distress.   For sure, you hate to see people you care...

Resilience: What It Is And Why It Is Important

Experiencing trauma is part of being human. Most people will experience a traumatic event once or twice in their lives. The majority of people who experience traumatic events, great losses or disasters are able to manage, get back on track and go forward in life. A...

Grief For a Pet Loss Is Real Grief

Losing a pet can be just as painful – or even more painful – than losing a human being. The grief and loss of a pet may feel devastating, overwhelming, and isolating. In the beginning, the low and very painful periods are likely to be longer and more profound, then...