Are you worried your over use of substances is taking over your life and you’re losing focus on those you care about?
Addiction Therapy helps you get your life back on track

- Build confidence to manage difficult stressors without numbing with substances or alcohol
- Talk honestly with your loved ones about what’s most important
- Manage overwhelming emotions in healthy ways
Addiction affects your body and mind as well as your daily routine and outlook on life.
Addiction to substances can result in you losing yourself, hurting those you love, losing your job and even losing your health. At Transforming Tides Counselling we understand the power of addictions and how to help you take back control, manage life stressors and get on with living the life you want.
Signs & Symptoms
- Finding yourself drinking more and more just to take the edge off: I used to feel my worries slipping away after a few drinks, now I need the whole bottle.
- Feeling overwhelming shame and hiding your substance use from those around you: I just can’t open up… they’ll really think less of me if I tell them what’s going on.
- Missing activities you used to enjoy: I’m afraid my partner is going to threaten to leave me if I let her down one more time.
- Trying to quit on your own without success: If I could just stop at one, but I can’t seem to.
- Becoming unreliable and missing work due to feeling ill: I’m worried my health isn’t great anymore.
Common Myths
I can quit anytime on my own.
These are words I hear many people experiencing addiction say. This is a false belief that has people feeling guilty for not having the strength to deal with addiction on their own. Addiction is an illness that takes time to heal. It’s not fixed overnight and it’s not generally resolved without support and guidance.
There’s nothing wrong with having a puff after work, right? Everyone deserves to relax, why shouldn’t I?
Believing there is nothing wrong with how you are using substances is a sign you may be having trouble facing your inner challenges. Many people have a hard time realizing their use of substances is actually a sign of addiction. Therapy helps you explore how your drinking or substance use may be affecting you and those around you, and face hard questions with compassion and self kindness. Counselling helps you gently reflect and set goals for renewed health and wellbeing, on your terms.
I’ve missed so much time from work, I’ll never get more time off for therapy.
It’s hard to give yourself permission to get support when you feel like you’ve already burned bridges and you’ve taken too much time already away from your family and friends. We offer appointments at flexible times to fit your needs. Addiction counselling is a way to help you value your own wellness while you learn skills to strengthen for the road ahead. Focusing on your own needs that you may have been neglecting increases your inner resilience, and helps you see your unique path of adjustment for the future.
Addiction Recovery Therapy helps you understand your deepest needs and learn strategies for facing life’s demands with confidence and self respect.