Serving Atlantic Canada

Transforming Tides Counselling


Transforming Tides Counselling


Online in Atlantic Canada • In person in Truro Nova Scotia

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Evening/Weekend Appointments

Do You Struggle With

  • Worrying, feeling anxious or having panic attacks
  • Reliving past hurts over and over that are bringing you down
  • Grief that has you feeling trapped and unable to move forward, 
  • Feeling lonely, like no one gets you and you don’t fit in
  • Experiencing flashbacks and nightmares
  • Being stuck in behaviours that push others away
  • Losing your sense of self and feeling disconnected from what matters most to you
  • Thinking you’re not good enough or you don’t matter to others
  • Feeling unworthy of the love you most desire
  • Experiencing unwanted weight gain or worrisome health issues
  • Substance use that is out of control & causing trouble in your life

We help you find the ease to live a meaningful life

We Are Here to Help

When did living life get so hard?

If you’re struggling with problems that make it hard to get through the day, feeling your emotions out of control, worried you’re pushing away those you love, it’s time to get the help you need so you can live the life you want.

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Our Therapy Services

Take The First Step

Individual Therapy

Are you struggling with stress, relationship challenges, or overwhelming emotions that feel more than you can handle?

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Therapy can help you navigate the overwhelming emotions that hold you back from living your best life.  At Transforming Tides Counselling your therapist will create a safe and welcoming environment with a therapy plan that fits your unique needs.  Through the guidance and support of your therapist you will develop the tools for healing from emotional pain, and the confidence and resilience you need to face all the ups and downs of life.

Take The First Step

Couples Therapy

Are you worried your relationship is in trouble, your intimacy is slipping away, the arguing is getting too much?

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Couples Therapy helps you and your partner put the focus back on your relationship and together find the solutions you crave. At Transforming Tides Counselling, we understand how complex relationships can be. Our approach is to support each partner in expressing their thoughts, needs and desires in ways that both partners come to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other. Through therapy we help you develop stronger communication, resolve conflicts and strengthen your commitment to each other so that you can have the deep and fulfilling relationship you most desire.


Take The First Step

Teen Therapy

Is your teen struggling with emotional distress, having trouble managing at school, feeling like they don’t fit in and feeling it’s all beyond what they can manage?

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At Transforming Tides Counselling we know the unique challenges teens face and we are committed to creating a safe safe where teens feel they can be heard and understood. With our therapists, teens have the opportunity to explore their own sense of identity and where they fit in the world. We help teens learn skills for emotional regulation, develop life skills and strengthen confidence to face their daily challenges. Through therapy we help teens feel in control emotionally, self assured and empowered to face their challenges head on.


How Therapy Works

Explore Together

First step is to get to know you and what matters most to you.  Together we will explore your goals, your past and current struggles and talk about what you are working towards.

A Tailored Plan

Second step is to build a plan that fits you and your unique situation.  Your therapist will tailor how they work with you to best focus on your needs and share tools to help you reach your goals


Third step is for us to support you along your path to greater wellness so that you feel confident in facing your challenges and are prepared to have success in living the life you long for.

Our Specialities

Anxiety & Stress

Are worry and fear making you avoid things and keeping you stuck? Anxiety Therapy can help you find the freedom to live your life fully.

Addiction Therapy

Are you worried your over use of substances is taking over your life and you’re losing focus on those you care about? Addiction Therapy helps you get your life back on track

Couples Relationships

Are You Worried Your Relationship Is In Trouble? Couples Therapy helps you resolve issues and deepen your closeness and emotional connection with your partner.


Do you feel like your energy is gone and you’ve been robbed of your happiness? Depression Therapy helps you manage low moods while building confidence for facing life’s demands.

Who knew grief could knock you flat?

Grief & Loss

Who knew grief could knock you flat? Grief therapy compassionately helps you navigate life and integrate the heaviness of loss.

Who knew grief could knock you flat?

Neurodiversity & Anxiety

Struggling to find your way living as someone with neurodiversity? The Neurodiversity and Anxiety Therapy Program helps you understand and celebrate your uniqueness and find strategies for thriving in the midst of life’s challenges.

Take The First Step

Get Started

You can choose from any of our therapists on the calendar to book your free consultation phone call, at a time that fits your schedule. The free consultation call will be about twenty minutes. This call gives you a chance to briefly share your goals for therapy and explore what it will be like to work with us.

Transforming Tides Counselling

Start Feeling Happy Again!

Take the first step to living your life with confidence and ease.